
Your Name (required)
[text* your-name]

Your Email
[email your-email]

Departing Freiburg (date): [date departing-date format:dd/mm/yy]

Returning to Freiburg (date): [date returning-date format:dd/mm/yy]

Traveling by
[checkbox traveling-by “Train” “Bus” “Plane” “Car”]

Destinations (list dates separately for all destinations)
[textarea travel-destinations]

Traveling with other AYF students / parents (if yes, please list their names)
[textarea travel-companions]

Other Contact Information (phone numbers, address, date)
[textarea other-contact]

By submitting this information, you are generating an email that is simultaneously distributed to AYF professional staff (Academic Director, Program Director, and Administrative Assistant). Your itinerary informaton will only be stored temporarily to assist you in case of emergency.

[submit “Send”]

Travel information by [your-name]
From: [your-name] <[your-email]>
Subject: Travel information by [your-name]

Name: [your-name]

Your Email: [your-email]

Departing Freiburg (date): [departing-date]

Returning to Freiburg (date): [returning-date]

Traveling by: [traveling-by]

Destinations: [travel-destinations]

Traveling with: [travel-companions]

Other Contact Information: [other-contact]

This e-mail was sent from the travel form on Academic Year in Freiburg

Academic Year in Freiburg
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